How to use the Online License Request Form
The Eloquence and SQL/R products require a license key which is either system-specific or associated with an Eloquence license server.
Eloquence version B.08.40 provides the eqlictool utility as a convenient option to request and install a license key. For Eloquence versions B.08.30 or older, and for SQL/R versions A.04.00 or older, the Online License Request Form provides a similar function.
License types
- System-specific license
This option may be used to obtain a perpetual license key which was previously
created for this system and is covered by a maintenance agreement, for example
when updating to a newer Eloquence version. It may also be used to obtain
a temporary license issued by Marxmeier
- License server
This option may be used to obtain the licenses
associated with an
Eloquence license server.
- Installation license
This option may be used to obtain an installation license key which provides
a temporary license valid for 30 days. Please note that
an installation license may only be requested once per system and product
If a perpetual license is available, or if a temporary license has been issued
by Marxmeier
Software, requesting a temporary license will
not succeed. Please request a system-specific license in this case.
How to obtain the system ID(s)
Eloquence and/or SQL/R need to be installed to use the gethwid utility to obtain the system identifier(s) required to request a license key.
Please execute the gethwid utility command line depending on the platform and the product as explained below, then copy the returned system ID (all of them if multiple IDs are returned) to the System ID text field in the Online License Request Form.
An Eloquence license server may instead be identified by an license server ID, see below.
- HP-UX, Linux
On HP-UX or Linux, execute the gethwid utility as shown below.
/opt/eloquence/VERSION/etc/gethwid -a
VERSION is the installed Eloquence version number, such as 8.4 for version B.08.40, or 8.3 for version B.08.30.SQL/R version A.04.00:
/opt/sqlr/4.0/etc/gethwid -a
SQL/R versions A.03.XX or older:/opt/sqlr2/etc/gethwid -a
- Windows
On Windows, open a Command Prompt (cmd.exe) to execute the
gethwid utility as shown below.
Eloquence version B.08.40 or newer:
"C:\Program Files\Eloquence\VERSION\etc\gethwid.exe" -a
Eloquence version B.08.30 or older:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Eloquence\VERSION\etc\gethwid.exe" -a
VERSION is the installed Eloquence version number, such as 8.4 for version B.08.40, or 8.3 for version B.08.30.SQL/R version A.04.00:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Marxmeier\SQLR\4.0\etc\gethwid.exe" -a
SQL/R versions A.03.XX or older:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Marxmeier\SQLR\etc\gethwid.exe" -a
How to obtain an Eloquence license server ID
An Eloquence license server may be identified by an ID file previously created with the eqlictool create-server-id command. This is an alternative to a hardware derived system ID to identify a server which remains valid even if the system changes.
If present, the license server ID needs to be obtained by invoking the eqlictool check-server-id command as shown below, then needs to be copied to the System ID text field in the Online License Request Form:
eqlictool check-server-id
How to install the license keys
System-specific license keys as well as installation license keys need to be installed in the Eloquence or SQL/R license file. License keys associated with an Eloquence license server need to be installed in a license pool.
The license file location depends on the platform and the product as explained below.
- HP-UX, Linux
VERSION is the installed Eloquence version number, such as 8.4 for version B.08.40, or 8.3 for version B.08.30.SQL/R version A.04.00:
SQL/R versions A.03.XX or older:/etc/opt/sqlr2/license
- Windows
Eloquence version
B.08.40 or newer:
C:\Program Files\Eloquence\VERSION\etc\license
Eloquence version B.08.30 or older:C:\Program Files (x86)\Eloquence\VERSION\etc\license
VERSION is the installed Eloquence version number, such as 8.4 for version B.08.40, or 8.3 for version B.08.30.SQL/R version A.04.00:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Marxmeier\SQLR\4.0\etc\license
SQL/R versions A.03.XX or older:C:\Program Files (x86)\Marxmeier\SQLR\etc\license